Web Sites


Alzheimer’s Association

American Cancer Society

American Stroke Association


Cancer Support Community

Disability Rights Legal Center/Cancer Legal Resource Center

Living Beyond Breast Cancer

Nancy’s List

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

National Comprehensive Cancer Network

National Institutes of Health (Cancer, etc.)

Patient Advocate Foundation


Smith Center for Healing and the Arts

Stupid Cancer

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

The National LGBT Cancer Network

Young Survival Coalition


Castillejo, I.C.D. (1990). Knowing woman: a feminine psychology. Boston & Shaftesbury: Shambhala.

Cope, S. (2012). The great work of your life: a guide for the journey to your true calling (1st ed.). New York: Bantam Books.
Hanh, Thich Nhat: Peace is every step: The path of mindfulness in everyday life. http://www.plumvillage.org/

Feiler, B. (2020). Life is in the transitions: Mastering change at any age. New York: Penguin Press.

Heiss, G. (1997). Finding the way home. A compassionate approach to illness. Fort Bragg, CA: QED Press.

Hillesum, E., & Hoffman, E. (1996). Etty Hillesum: An interrupted life the diaries, 1941-1943 and Letters from Westerbork. New York: Henry Holt & Company.

Jung, C. G., & Jaffé, A. (1989). Memories, dreams, reflections (Rev. ed.). New York: Vintage Books.

Kohanov, L. (2007). The Tao of equus: a woman’s journey of healing through the way of the horse. Novato, CA: New World Library.

Ladinsky, D., 2002. (transl). (2002). Love poems from God: Twelve sacred voices from the East and West. New York: Penguin Compass.

Levoy, G. (1997). Callings: finding and following an authentic life (1st ed.). New York: Harmony Books.

Nepo, M. (2000). The book of awakening: having the life you want by being present to the life you have. Berkeley, CA: Conari Press.

Nightingale, F. (1992). Notes on nursing: what it is and what it is not. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.

O’Donohue, J. (2008). To bless the space between us. A book of blessings. New York: Doubleday.

Stafford, W., Merchant, P., & Wixon, V. (1998). Crossing unmarked snow: further views on the writer’s vocation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Wheatley, M. J. (2002). Turning to one another: Simple conversations to restore hope to the future (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.