What is Spiritual Direction?
“Spiritual direction is the process of accompanying people on a spiritual journey. Spiritual direction exists in a context that emphasizes growing closer to God, or the sacred.”
—Spiritual Directors International
Some prefer the term “soul friend,” “spiritual companion,” or “spiritual guide,” since the direction is really the seeking together of contact with and direction of the Spirit. An Irish term for the Spiritual Director is ‘anam cara’, or spiritual friend. God, or the Sacred, is always the third, and most central, partner in the process. While rooted in Christian tradition dating back over 1500 years, the nonjudgmental approach of spiritual direction is helpful for anyone regardless of faith tradition seeking to deepen one’s relationship with the Divine or explore the spiritual in one’s life.
Reasons People Seek Spiritual Direction
- To explore a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspects of being human
- To deepen one’s relationship with the Sacred, and all of creation
- To learn to listen attentively and prayerfully for God’s (or the Divine’s) attention and grace in their lives (the ‘nudges of the Spirit’)
- To be able to tell one’s sacred stories
- For help in discernment with important decisions
- To see and honor the sacred mystery of the soul
- To receive support in one’s spiritual journey
What Spiritual Direction Is Not
Spiritual direction is not therapy, nor is it pastoral counseling. The director’s role is to companion another in their exploration of the presence of God, or the Sacred, in their life.
Spiritual direction models intentional relationship, through being present for another in anticipation of the presence of the Sacred.
How Does Spiritual Direction Work?
The Spiritual Director meets with you in a comfortable, quiet, and private space where you can engage in conversation and prayer without interruption. Sessions are usually an hour and are scheduled monthly.
You bring whatever weighs in contemplation on your heart to explore through conversation, reflection, dream tending, journaling, or prayer. The time is tailored to you, led by the Spirit with prayer and grace.
Call for a complementary 15 minute discussion and to see if this is right for you: 310-640-1946
What About Group Spiritual Direction?
The purpose of group spiritual direction is to support individuals through ‘group holy listening.’ ‘Listeners’ (group members) prayerfully focus on one individual, the ‘Seeker,’ who shares the experiences, questions, possibilities, dreams, concerns, and hopes currently present in their relationship with the Sacred. Time for silence, reflection, and prayer invites the Sacred to lead and direct responses and sharing. This is not an advice-giving or group therapy session. Members agree to prayerfully commit themselves to an honest relationship with the Sacred, with one another, and to the seeking of the Sacred’s presence in each other’s lives. Meetings are held monthly for 5 sessions and participation is limited to six adults.